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Please join us in person for our ministry programs!


Image by Drew Taylor


(Just Older Youth - 50+)

Join in on our monthly luncheons

of fellowship at The Hub, a delicious

lunch and a devotional or special guest.

Ladies Ministry

Ladies Breakfast: Join us on the last Thursday of every month for Ladies Breakfast. A time of light breakfast, fellowship, and fun! Meet at Mae's Place in Stevensville at 9 am.

Ladies Bible Study: Monday mornings September to June at The Hub (43 Hagey Ave.) from 10 - 11:30 am. 

Annual Events: Women's Retreat Day in the Fall and special events throughout the year. See events page & calendar for upcoming events!

Wednesday Night Meals

Join us every Wednesday night from 6:00-8:00 PM at The Hub - 43 Hagey Ave., Fort Erie - for our weekly meals! 

Bible Studies: 

Ladies Bible Study - Mondays 10:00 - 11:30 AM @ The Hub

Mens Bible Study - Tuesdays 10 - 11:30 AM @ The Hub

Small Groups:

Stayed tuned for further details! 

Soup Kitchen
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